Marijuana is legal in twenty-one states, and with eleven million young adults smoking or vaping marijuana, it’s a large population to consider. However, with legalization comes the assumption of no health risks in using marijuana. However, marijuana can be addictive, just like alcohol and other drugs. Attached to the addictive quality is the experience of marijuana withdrawal symptoms that can occur when usage stops.
It is a well-known fact that marijuana releases THC into the brain, causing a euphoric high that relieves stress and affects the senses. Therefore, regular users must realize the possibility of coping with detox. In addition, if someone you care about is addicted to marijuana and could be affected by the withdrawal, this information can be helpful. Finding a treatment center familiar with this treatment can help answer your concerns.
Common Marijuana Withdrawal Symptoms
The decision to stop using marijuana is a big step. However, it is likely with long-term usage of marijuana, the body has built up a dependence on the drug. Withdrawal symptoms vary in severity depending on the length of the drug use. The first symptom is perhaps the most severe cravings for the drug.
The following symptoms ensue, flu-like symptoms such as fever, upset stomach, headaches, and fatigue. Other extreme marijuana withdrawal symptoms could include dizziness and tremors. It is essential to be aware that these symptoms could occur. The following list is additional symptoms that could occur with withdrawal.
- Vivid, disturbing dreams
- Feelings of sadness and despair
- Feelings of aggression and anger
- Fearful feelings
- Paranoia
- Difficulty with focus
- Lack of appetite
- Feeling irritable
- Nervousness or jittery feelings
- Inability to sleep or insomnia
Marijuana Timeline of Withdrawal Symptoms
How long will I be uncomfortable with marijuana withdrawal symptoms? It’s a good question when facing detox. The answer to that question lies in the length of the addiction and the amount of marijuana used. Everyone has a different timeline depending on their mental and physical health. The average timeline is below.
Days One through Three
Marijuana withdrawal symptoms begin to become uncomfortable and most powerful around day three. Gastrointestinal issues such as vomiting, stomach pain, and nausea can occur. Sweating and restlessness combine with intense cravings for the drug. When detoxing at home, it is possible to relapse at this point. Those with failures withstanding the first three days of detox may want to consider professional addiction treatment.
Days Four through Ten
The marijuana withdrawal symptoms peak through this period. Day four brings an end to many physical symptoms, but the psychological effects will continue to escalate. The body is learning and adjusting to how to function without THC. Depression can be overwhelming these days.
Days Eleven through Twenty
By this time, the marijuana withdrawal symptoms will begin to subside. The user will start to regain strength and begin to stabilize as sober. However, insomnia, fatigue, depression, and anxiety may continue for weeks to months. By day thirty, the body will have excreted the drug entirely unless usage is highly long-term. In that case, it could take months to leave the body altogether.
Coping Mechanisms for Marijuana Withdrawal Symptoms
It’s incredible how good nutrition can reduce the severity of marijuana withdrawal symptoms, but it’s true. Drinking at least two liters of water a day can help to flush the toxicity from the body. Bananas and leafy greens are full of potassium, aiding muscle aches. Avoidance of caffeine will help to quell feeling shaky and sleeplessness.
Coping with psychological symptoms is another matter. Marijuana withdrawal symptoms can include having strong feelings and emotions. There is nothing like a good cry to process these emotions. In addition, mindfulness and breathing techniques will help to deter anxiety and restlessness.
Walks in nature, exercise, and long baths are excellent coping mechanisms for discomfort. Talk about the feelings with a trusted loved one, and write the experiences in a journal. Both methods are positive and healthy coping mechanisms for a sober future. Marijuana withdrawal symptoms can be successfully overcome with confidence when aware of what to expect.
Professional Treatment Options for Marijuana Addiction
When marijuana withdrawal symptoms seem too difficult to endure with at-home detox, professional help is an excellent alternative. Professional treatment will offer many options to meet your individual needs. Detox, counseling, medication, and support groups are generally basic options. However, the initial detox with severe cravings is often the most challenging part to handle at home.
Also, Detox West has individual treatment options for dealing with marijuana withdrawal symptoms. Counseling is vital to prevent relapse and learning healthy positive coping mechanisms to remain sober. Professional treatment determines the individual goals and hopes for the future at assessment.
Furthermore, nutritional counseling, aftercare, relapse prevention support, life skills training, and holistic therapy are all available. Medication-assisted treatment could be an option if the individual’s anxiety or panic are problematic. The professional treatment center has the same long-term goal, to remain sober and enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Leave those marijuana withdrawal symptoms behind with help from professional services.
Find Help with Marijuana Withdrawal in Tennessee
You have come to the right place if you are looking for professional treatment for detox to deal with marijuana withdrawal symptoms in Tennessee. Detox West has successful programs to monitor those desiring to stop using marijuana medically. We understand your hesitation in moving forward and would like to offer a helping hand in your desire to become sober. We have answers to your concerns. Contact us to begin treatment.