Drug and alcohol use is dangerous on all accounts. Still, combining ketamine and alcohol can lead to an increasing risk of developing urinary tract issues, memory loss, slowed breathing, coma, and death. Overdose symptoms from combining these substances include...
Many people believe heroin or crystal meth are the most dangerous drugs to use. Fentanyl, heroin, crystal meth, and other drugs involving addiction are hazardous. Still, when asking professionals if they consider alcohol the most dangerous drug, the data backs up...
Many people believe the long-time misconception that the use of alcohol helps with relaxation and promotes sleep. Unfortunately, reaching out for a drink to feel sleepy, thinking it will solve their sleep problem, often leads to more than one drink. Frustrations can...
When it comes to drinking while pregnant, The Centers for Disease Control states there is no known safe amount of alcohol use during pregnancy. It is imperative for women thinking of becoming pregnant to stop drinking alcohol, and at no time during pregnancy is it...
For those with an alcohol use disorder who make the life-changing decision to stop using alcohol, it’s essential to understand the safest and most effective process to detox. Quitting cold turkey and alcohol withdrawal symptoms can be a dangerous mix. Alcohol...
Light to moderate alcohol consumption for social or relaxation purposes is often considered acceptable and enjoyable. In addition, a specific population also does not use alcohol at all for moral or health reasons. Then on the other end of the spectrum is a population...