Ten years ago, you would likely be hard-pressed to find any information about a drug called “molly.” Unfortunately, in today’s society, the drug known as Molly has become all too prevalent. Popularized through pop culture, Molly has achieved high status in entertainment circles. Tragically, its status is a misrepresentation. The drug contains some genuine dangers. Highly potent and relatively easy to find, Molly has become a nightmare over the last decade for users and their families. By learning more about Molly, you will be able to answer the questions, “Can you get addicted to Molly?” and “Is Molly addictive?”

What is “Molly?”

“Molly” is a common slang or street term for a combination of drugs, often synthesized into a single capsule or powdered form. As such, it is derived from several substances. Molly generally includes high levels of MDMA, otherwise known as “ecstasy.” On top of MDMA, Molly often includes varied amounts of stimulants like powdered cocaine, methamphetamine, and Adderall.

Popularized through EDM dance music, hip-hop, and the clubbing scene, Molly is regarded as a “party drug” or “upper.” Many Molly dealers cut their supply with highly toxic materials to increase the volume of their batches.

Molly rarely contains only pure MDMA. In most instances of documented testing of Molly, researchers have found various amounts of cutting agents and other narcotics. Therefore, Molly is extremely unpredictable. This adds yet another layer of danger. All of this being said, can you get addicted to Molly?

Symptoms of Molly Use

Spotting symptoms of Molly use can help those struggling to get the help they need. It is relatively easy to identify the signs of Molly use. Unlike many drugs, Molly use signs often manifest themselves in obvious ways. Symptoms may include but are not limited to:

  • Unnatural levels of energy
  • Euphoria
  • Confusion
  • Impulsivity
  • Paranoia
  • Psychosis
  • Anxiety
  • Heightened senses
  • Increased emotionality
  • Muscle tension

Dangers of Taking Molly

One should consider Molly use highly dangerous for a few reasons. First, even in its most pure form, MDMA is a highly unpredictable drug. Users often go through episodes that resemble psychotic breakdowns when the effects of the drug grow too powerful. Second, when the drug “works,” users are at a much higher risk of overdose. Also, they are at risk for promiscuity and contracting diseases such as HIV/AIDS and hepatitis. Keep in mind, these horrors await if the drug is “pure.”

When cut with another product, the body may react to Molly use in adverse ways. These include stroke, heart attack, seizures, and even death. Such terrifying outcomes are possible with just a single use of Molly. Meanwhile, frequent use of Molly has been compared to taking ice cream scoops out of one’s brain. Long-term abuse or misuse could lead to another host of mental and physical health issues.

Can You Get Addicted to Molly?

Yes, you can get addicted to Molly. MDMA is a synthetic drug in the amphetamine family. It causes an increase in mood, energy, and feelings of pleasure. It also causes a heightened sense of empathy and connectedness. When used repeatedly over time, users may develop a dependency on the effects of the drug and require more to achieve the same desired outcome. As with any other addictive substance, they can experience withdrawal symptoms when trying to stop using it or reduce their dose. 

Common signs of addiction include: 

  • Strong cravings
  • Difficulty controlling usage amounts and times
  • Increased tolerance levels that require more of the drug to get high
  • Neglecting responsibilities in favor of using or obtaining drugs
  • Continued use despite negative consequences 

Remember, drug abuse can have serious long-term consequences on physical and psychological health. It is important to stay informed about the potential risks of using MDMA and other drugs so that people can make an educated decision if presented with the opportunity to use them. With proper education and support, individuals struggling with Molly addiction can begin the process of recovery. If someone is abusing Molly, it is important to seek help immediately. There are many treatment options available that help people overcome their addiction and lead a healthier life.

How Addictive Is Molly?

So can you get addicted to Molly? In short, yes. Molly addiction, also known as MDMA use disorder, occurs when a person’s body becomes accustomed to the effects of Molly. Therefore, when the body is long feeling the drug’s effects, it reacts negatively. But how addictive is Molly? Symptoms of Molly addiction may include but are not limited to:

  • Removing oneself from once-enjoyed activities
  • Sudden reclusiveness
  • A new obsession with the “party” scene
  • Risky behaviors
  • Sudden psychological or impulse control issues
  • Drug-seeking behaviors
  • Loss of interest in jobs or relationships

Treatment for Molly Addiction

Now that you have found the answer to the question, “Can you get addicted to Molly?” it may be time to take action. With this in mind, and despite the dangers of Molly addiction, you should know that there is hope. Every year, thousands of Americans get the help they need to detox and reclaim their independence from addiction to Molly and other stimulants. Find the right support system and give yourself the highest possible chance of a successful recovery.

Undergoing Molly withdrawal alone is never recommended. Solo withdrawals can be highly dangerous, often leading to relapse and continued use. Statistically speaking, one is always more likely to succeed in kicking an addiction if one has a dedicated support group with one’s best interests at heart. Therefore, it’s in your best interest to find the proper team of medical professionals to help you through your recovery journey. They will give you the greatest odds of a successful and long-lasting recovery.

Safely Detox from Molly Addiction in Memphis, Tennessee

Here at Detox West Tennessee, we are waiting with open arms to help assist you in every step of your individual recovery journey. Located in Memphis, TN, our team provides a professional and compassionate environment conducive to healing. Our comfortable residential drug and alcohol detox and rehabilitation center has all the tools necessary to help you get your life back on track. Specifically, we seek to heal and reverse much of the damage done by drug and alcohol dependency by offering medically supervised, evidence-based detox programs. Contact us through our admissions page today, and take the first steps in your personal recovery journey.