Librium is the well-known brand name for the generic drug chlordiazepoxide. Librium is a benzodiazepine class of drugs and the first one put on the market. Typically, Librium prescriptions are for medical conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), alcohol withdrawal management, and insomnia.
Librium is also effective for anxiety, but only for short-term use. A central nervous system depressant, Librium, increases the levels of GABA in the brain, triggering a calming effect.
Librium Uses and Overview
Librium remains a Schedule IV drug and has a high risk for abuse. However, those who use this drug to control a medical condition rarely abuse it. Misuse does occur when higher doses or frequency increases, and tolerance can build.
Guidelines for Librium warn against using alcohol while taking this drug, but people ignore these warnings, leading to abuse. Recreational use of Librium occurs when the user breaks open the capsule and snorts the medication or mixes it with water and injects it.
Continual misuse of Librium can cause physical dependence, leading to addiction. Those who abuse benzodiazepines commonly resort to using other drugs and alcohol simultaneously.
Unfortunately, mixing Librium with other substances to enhance the desired effect increases the chance of overdose and death. Librium can be a hazardous and addictive substance, and polydrug use can complicate benzodiazepine detox in treatment.
Appearance, Drug Name, and Risks
Librium is available in capsule form with 3 strength levels (5mg, 10 mg and 25 mg). The gelatin capsule is also known as bennies, benzos, tranqs, downers, normies, nerve pills, and ruffies. Treatment begins at the lowest dosage possible, and the warnings include specific directions.
Librium should not be taken in the first trimester of pregnancy and is not advisable for use in children under 6 years of age. Older people and those with a disability may experience a heightened effect, so medical monitoring is essential. Librium should never be taken with other drugs unless prescribed or used with alcohol.
Signs of Librium Abuse
The National Institute on Health describes the dangers of Librium abuse and the signs and symptoms of Librium use with other substances. As a central nervous system depressant, respiratory distress is a significant concern.
If 2 types of benzodiazepines or alcohol are present, there is a danger of over-sedation, coma, and possibly death. There are often tell-tale signs of Librium abuse that physicians watch for.
Signs of Librium abuse include:
- Mood swings and excitable behaviors
- Doctor shopping to receive additional prescriptions
- An inability to reduce or stop taking the medication because of withdrawal symptoms
- Needing an increase in dosage to achieve the same effect
- Intense cravings for the drug
- Neglecting responsibilities
Short and Long-Term Effects
Librium, just like other benzodiazepines, is best for short-term use, although there are side effects to recognize with this drug. Physicians need to advise their patients to communicate if side effects occur so physicians can adjust the dosage.
Short-term side effects can be dramatic and shocking, so contacting the prescribing physician is essential to successful treatment. Recreational use can also reflect these effects as a sign of Librium misuse or abuse.
The short-term effects of Librium usage may include:
- Mood swings displaying sometimes hostile and erratic behaviors
- Euphoric response
- Slowed reflexes or lack of coordination
- Confusion and dizziness
- Slurring of speech
The long-term effects can include:
- Impairment of thinking
- Physical dependence
- Tolerance
- Overdose
- Depression
- Suicidal ideation
What are Its Withdrawal Symptoms?
Withdrawal symptoms occur once the body is dependent on a substance and there is a reduction of dosage or an abrupt end of usage. Librium has a long half-life, 24 to 48 hours, meaning it stays in the body longer than some benzos.
Elimination time is different for individuals because of the personal factors involved in the body’s processing of the drug. This means that withdrawal symptoms can begin over various periods once regular usage is interrupted.
Personal factors in determining when withdrawal symptoms will begin include:
- Genetics and age
- Liver function
- Amount of dosage
- Length of usage
- Body mass
- Other drugs or substances in use
Common withdrawal signs and symptoms include any of the following:
- Nausea and vomiting
- Loss of appetite
- Rise in blood pressure and heart rate
- Agitation, irritability, and hyperactive senses
- Memory impairment
- Seizures, hallucinations, and tremors
- Intense cravings for the drug
- Sweating
- Depression
- Psychosis
Typically, withdrawal can begin within 24 hours of the last dosage. However, because of personal differences, it could take a week to experience withdrawal. The average timeline of withdrawal begins 24 hours and includes restlessness and tremors on the first day of detox.
Anxiety, sweating, increased heart rate, and agitation are typical during this period. Peak withdrawal can extend for 2 to 3 weeks because of a tapering method of withdrawal. Peak symptoms can include depression, seizures, psychosis, and insomnia.
Detox and Treatment
A tapering system is typically used for the management of detox from Librium. Medical monitoring is the safest method of professional detox because benzodiazepine detox can be very complicated and unpredictable.
Medical supervision must include 24/7 client monitoring to ensure the patient is made as comfortable as possible. Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) helps maintain the lowest possible level of discomfort. Various evidence-based therapies enhance the process to ensure success in maintaining sobriety.
Get Detox Services for Librium Addiction in Tennessee
Deciding to seek help for an addiction can be frightening and frustrating. Detox West of Tennessee offers professional detox services and an ideal recovery setting. A variety of options, including gender-based detox opportunities, are available to meet individual needs.
Contact Detox West of Tennessee today for more information on starting a detox program.