A disturbing trend in prescription drug abuse connects with the rising number of healthcare providers relying on stimulant prescription medications for treatment. However, amphetamines successfully treat conditions such as ADHD, narcolepsy, and obesity despite their...
Synthetic drugs often produce the same effects as marijuana, cocaine, heroin, or amphetamines. However, they are very hazardous to consume because they contain dangerous compounds. If you or someone you care about is considering synthetic drugs, an understanding of...
Hallucinogenic drugs are commonly used by young adults in clubs and raves, and Ketamine is one of them. Legal in the United States, Ketamine works to tranquilize humans and animals. The Department of Justice’s National Drug Intelligence Center reports that in 2000,...
Many people in the United States are addicted to cocaine and wonder the best way to detox from cocaine is. In fact, the National Survey on Drug Use and Health states, “Among people aged 12 or older in 2021, 1.7% (or about 4.8 million people) reported using cocaine in...
Are you considering taking methadone as part of an opioid treatment program? Are you wondering how long does methadone stay in your system? Detox and treatment plans can include a combination of medication and therapy. Opioid addiction can be painful and dangerous. As...